Students are encouraged to enter the Student Paper Competition at the 13th IAASS Space Safety Conference, in Prague, Czech Republic. Selected papers will receive complimentary conference registration and cash awards.

13th IAASS Conference

Building a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Space

8-9-10 October 2024
Prague – Czech Republic

The IAASS Space Safety Foundation (ISSF) invite submission for student paper competition
at the 13th IAASS Conference “Building a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Space”

The conference will convene October 8-9-10 in Prague.
The registration fee for student authors of selected papers will be paid by the ISSF

Submission Requirements

We seek submission from students currently enrolled in university programs. The submitted paper in part or in whole, ongoing or completed research related to the conference theme. Student papers should address one of the following topics:
  • Designing safety into space systems
  • Launch safety
  • Re-entry safety
  • Safety of nuclear space systems
  • Human performance and health in space
  • Safety critical software design, security, and IVV
  • Safety risk management
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment
  • Regulations and standards for safety and cyber security
  • Space operations safety
  • Risk for aviation due to space operations
  • Space Situational Awareness (SSA) & Space Traffic Management (STM)
  • Space debris mitigation & remediation
  • Commercial human spaceflight safety
  • Space weather forecast
  • NEO (Near Earth Object) and planetary defence
  • Space Search and Rescue (SSAR)
As for any other paper of the conference, student papers will be first selected by the Conference Program Committee based on submitted abstracts. The abstracts (approximately 500 words should be submitted online by 15 May 2024 at: The authors will be notified of the abstracts selection outcome by 17 June 2024. Students must then send an email notifying the ISSF Educational Program Secretariat ( that they would like their paper to be considered for the competition. Email indicating your name, university affiliation, level of school , name of research supervisor, and nationality. Students must submit online the final paper by 15 July 2024. Papers will be evaluated on the originality of the work and the importance of the research. Authors of the 10 best papers will be notified by 12 August 2024 and receive $500. The top best student paper will receive an additional $750. Winners must submit their paper also for publication in the Journal of Space Safety Engineering (JSSE) to be eligible for the prize money.